
Fabric waste is a major problem for businesses in the textile recycling industry. It can be generated from a variety of sources, including manufacturing, garment production, and retail. Fabric waste can be a nuisance to dispose of, and it can also be a missed opportunity for recycling.

waste cloth cutting machine

What Is a Fabric Waste Cutting Machine?

A fabric waste cutting machine can help businesses to reduce the amount of fabric waste they generate. These machines can cut fabric into small pieces that can then be recycled or reused. Fabric waste cutting machines can be a valuable investment for businesses that are looking to reduce their environmental impact and save money on waste disposal costs.

fabric waste cutting machine
fabric waste cutting machine

Benefits of Using Waste Cotton Cloth Cutting Machines

There are several benefits to using waste cotton cloth cutting machines. These machines can help businesses to:

  1. Consistent length. Finished products cut with this machine are consistent in length.
  2. No sticking. Fiber cutters from other manufacturers will stick during the cutting process, this will not happen with our machine.
  3. High-quality blades. The knives of the machine are made of hard alloy material, which is characterized by long service life and good cutting effect.
  4. High output. Our machine can produce up to 5000kg/h.
waste cotton cloth cutting machine
waste cotton cloth cutting machine

Different Models of Scrap Fabric Cutting Machines for Sale

We offer a variety of different models to choose from.

Model 500B

  • Capacity: 300-500 kg/h
  • Cutting Size: 5-150 mm
  • Knife Material: Alloy tool steel
  • Output/Input Belt: 2800×350 mm
  • Cutting Thickness: 20 mm

Model 800C

  • Capacity: 500-800 kg/h
  • Cutting Size: 5-150 mm
  • Knife Material: Alloy tool steel
  • Output/Input Belt: 2800×350 mm
  • Cutting Thickness: 30-50 mm

Model 1200B

  • Capacity: 800-1200 kg/h
  • Cutting Size: 5-150 mm
  • Knife Material: Alloy tool steel
  • Output/Input Belt: 3000×520 mm
  • Cutting Thickness: 30-80 mm

Model 1600B

  • Capacity: 1000-3000 kg/h
  • Cutting Size: 5-300 mm
  • Knife Material: Alloy tool steel
  • Output/Input Belt: 3000×720 mm
  • Cutting Thickness: 20-150 mm

Model 2400B

  • Capacity: 2000-5000 kg/h
  • Cutting Size: 10-300 mm
  • Knife Material: Alloy tool steel
  • Output/Input Belt: 3000×110 mm
  • Cutting Thickness: 30-200 mm

If you are looking for a fabric waste cutting machine, please contact Shuliy Recycling Machinery today. We would be happy to help you choose the right machine for your business.

waste clothes
waste clothes

How Does Cutting Machine for Textile Work?

Cutting machines for textiles use a variety of methods to cut fabric. Our machines use blades to cut the fabric into strips. Shuliy recycling machine’s machine can set the cutting size and speed according to the customer’s need. The cut waste fabric has no sticking and a neat cutting surface.

Once the fabric has been cut, it can then be recycled or reused. Fabric waste can be recycled into new products, such as insulation, carpet padding, and padding for furniture. It can also be reused in other ways, such as for cleaning rags or for making art.

Types of Fabric Waste Cutting Machines

There are a variety of different types of fabric waste cutting machines available. The type of machine that is right for your business will depend on several factors, including the amount of fabric waste you generate, the type of fabric you need to cut, and your budget.

Blade Cutting Machine

Blade cutting machines are the most common type of fabric waste cutting machine. These machines use sharp blades to cut the fabric into strips. Blade cutting machines are relatively affordable and easy to operate.

Laser Cutting Machine

Laser cutting machines use a laser beam to cut the fabric. Laser cutting machines can produce very precise cuts, and they are often used to cut delicate fabrics. However, laser cutting machines can be more expensive than blade cutting machines.

Water Jet Cutting Machine

Water jet cutting machines use a high-pressure water jet to cut the fabric. Water jet cutting machines can produce very clean cuts, and they are often used to cut fabrics that are difficult to cut with blades or lasers. However, water jet cutting machines can be more expensive than blade or laser cutting machines.

Choosing the Right Fabric Waste Cutting Machine

When choosing a fabric waste cutting machine, there are several factors you should consider. These factors include:

  • The amount of fabric waste you generate
  • The type of fabric you need to cut
  • Your budget

If you generate a small amount of fabric waste, you may be able to get away with a smaller, less expensive machine. However, if you generate a large amount of fabric waste, you will need a larger, more powerful machine.

You will also need to consider the type of fabric you need to cut. Some machines are better suited for cutting certain types of fabric than others. For example, laser cutting machines are not ideal for cutting delicate fabrics.

Finally, you will need to consider your budget. Fabric waste cutting machines can range in price from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars.

customized automatic textile cutting machine
customized automatic textile cutting machine

Shuliy Fabric Waste Cutting Machines

Shuliy Recycling Machinery is a leading manufacturer of fabric waste cutting machines. We offer a wide range of machines to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. Our machines are designed to be efficient, durable, and easy to operate. Besides fiber cutting machines, we also have fiber opening machines, fiber carding machines, and other fiber recycling machines for sale.